3. 《Easby Hall and Easby Abbey with Richmond,Yorkshire in the Background》,作者乔治·库特(George Cuitt the Elder) 高清作品[95%]

Easby Hall and Easby Abbey with <em>Richmond</em>, Yorkshire in the Background-

图片文件尺寸 : 6504 x 3743px

《Easby Hall and Easby Abbey with Richmond,Yorkshire in the Background》,作者乔治·库特(George Cuitt the Elder)-George Cuitt the Elder

Easby Hall and Easby Abbey with Richmond, Yorkshire in the Background--George Cuitt the Elder (英国, 1743–1818)

下载《Easby Hall and Easby Abbey with Richmond,Yorkshire in the Background》,作者乔治·库特(George Cuitt the Elder)大图

4. 乔治·里士满(George Richmond)的《乔蒙德日在雾蒙蒙的山顶上踮起脚尖》(莎士比亚、罗密欧和朱丽叶,第三幕第五场) 高清作品[94%]

Jocund Day Stands Tip Toe on the Misty Mountain Tops (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 5)-

图片文件尺寸 : 2335 x 3745px

乔治·里士满(George Richmond)的《乔蒙德日在雾蒙蒙的山顶上踮起脚尖》(莎士比亚、罗密欧和朱丽叶,第三幕第五场)-George Richmond

Jocund Day Stands Tip Toe on the Misty Mountain Tops (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 5)--George Richmond (英国, 1809-1896)

下载乔治·里士满(George Richmond)的《乔蒙德日在雾蒙蒙的山顶上踮起脚尖》(莎士比亚、罗密欧和朱丽叶,第三幕第五场)大图

5. 乔治·斯塔布斯(George Stubbs)的《第三任里士满公爵与查尔顿狩猎》(The Three Duke of Richmond with The Charleton Hunt)前后的研究 高清作品[94%]

Studies for or after The third Duke of <em>Richmond</em> with the Charleton Hunt-

图片文件尺寸 : 3000 x 2545px

乔治·斯塔布斯(George Stubbs)的《第三任里士满公爵与查尔顿狩猎》(The Three Duke of Richmond with The Charleton Hunt)前后的研究-George Stubbs

Studies for or after The third Duke of Richmond with the Charleton Hunt--George Stubbs (英国, 1724-1806)

下载乔治·斯塔布斯(George Stubbs)的《第三任里士满公爵与查尔顿狩猎》(The Three Duke of Richmond with The Charleton Hunt)前后的研究大图